Insanely quick ID3 reading & writing for JavaScript powered by WebAssembly.
Demos can be found on id3-rw's website.
import { getMetadataFrom } from 'id3-rw'
const url = ''
await fetch(url).then(async response => {
const stream = response.body
const metadata = await getMetadataFrom(stream)
expectToContain(metadata, {
artist: "Florrie Forde\r",
title: "'Tis a faded picture\r",
album: "Edison Amberol: 12255\r"
// IMPORTANT! Always remember to destroy the metadata
// after you've got the properties you need,
// else you'll get a memory leak!
import { createTagControllerFrom } from 'id3-rw'
await fetch('').then(async response => {
const buffer = new Uint8Array(await response.arrayBuffer())
const tagController = await createTagControllerFrom(buffer)
// Getting metadata using the controller API
const metadata = tagController.getMetadata()
expectToContain(metadata, {
artist: 'Florrie Forde\r',
title: '\'Tis a faded picture\r',
album: 'Edison Amberol: 12255\r'
// Changing the metadata
// Getting the resulting Uint8Array (the tagged file's buffer),
// which can be used with the File System API or for a download
const taggedBuffer = tagController.putTagInto(buffer)
expectToEqual(taggedBuffer.length > 0, true)
// IMPORTANT! Don't forget to destroy the tagController!
See generated docs.
Clone this repository. You should build the Rust project by running
To run the examples locally, you need to cd
into www
, run npm install
then npm start
Now you should be able to access the examples at localhost:8080
If you have any questions, feel free to open an issue!
This library uses a patched version of the rust-id3 library, so most of the hard work was done by its developer polyfloyd. Thank you!
Generated using TypeDoc